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Pods and Blogs - BBC Radio Five Live

Another week and another edition of our segment dedicated to blogging and podcasting on Five Live's Up All Night programme. It's been a bit tricky getting material together for this week, the news didn't naturally fall into a clear sequence - but we've got some good stuff coming up I hope. You can listen live here (Monday 6PM PST / 9PM EST / 2AM BST) or after the show on archive here. Continued overleaf is a list of items currently planned for the show..

Update: We've had some issues with the archive this week. We hope to have it fixed soon. In the meantime I'll post some of the non-BBC copyright material as an mp3 here soon

Following he continuing investigations into the shooting of an innocent man on the London Underground we take a look at whether there should be armed police on the tube with Annie Mole  of  http://london-underground.blogspot.com/

Over a 100 bombs in Bangladesh this week and people in that country seem to think it's about time both government and opposition took terrorism seriously. We'll speak with Bangladeshi blogger Rezwanul  of http://rezwanul.blogspot.com/

An internet worm wiggled its way round the web this week. But are such attacks the early tremors of a much bigger, much more damaging virus attack? Jonathan Zittrain of Harvard University speaks to us about his fears.

News and Sport

Our correspondent Kevin Anderson takes a look at efforts to set up a European version of the Electronic Freedom Foundation and about concerns over new EU rules on data retention that are stirring up controversy. Our guest is blogger Suw Charman

From the heart of the Catholic Church... The Catholic Insider talks to us about the World Youth Day gathering in Cologne.

And last but by no means least we'll have a listen round the wonderful world of soundseeing tours. Many different clips on offer, but also a mini-interview with Nicole Simon of Sushiradio

August 22, 2005 in radio | Permalink


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